Master Thesis Meet & Greet – the new way to meet your supervisor!

Last week, and for the first time ever, we hosted our Master Thesis: Meet & Greet!

As part of our career program at RWTH International Academy, this event provided a platform for students, institutes and companies to meet and discuss Master's thesis topics.

Over a cup of coffee, our students were able to learn about current research topics from research and industry and present their own inspiring ideas for thesis topics. A closer look at the Thesis Corner was the best way to get an overview of the currently advertised Master's theses.

We would like to thank all our guests and look forward to seeing you at many more events in the future!

Participating Institutes & Companies

Special thanks to our (former) students Yves Duforez and Abdelrahman Abdalla, who shared their own experiences of their studies and writing a master's thesis at RWTH Aachen University.

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