Visit of our partner university RV College of Engineering from India

This week, we had the honor to welcome Dr. Nataraj J.R. from our partner university R V College of Engineering, India to RWTH International Academy!

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was already signed last fall when our Managing Director Dr. Helmut Dinger visited India for the inauguration of our local India Office. During the return visit of our Indian guests in Germany, we have discussed to deepen our cooperation in the coming years.

New cooperation opportunities for students from India

Together, we are developing different opportunities for students in India to participate in our Summer Schools, Qualification Programs, and Master' Degree Programs.

We are looking forward to many exciting projects that we will realize together in the future!

RWTH 4+2 Program – German Engineering College | Co-study Version

Our main focus was the RWTH 4+2 Program – our German Engineering College as a co-study version, where the students compose their individual schedule tailored to their study objectives by choosing 5 preparatory courses out of our portfolio.

By participating in this program, the students get optimally prepared for a Master’s Degree Program at RWTH and benefit from priority admission during the application process.

The visit was completed by a visitation of the Smart Automation Lab of the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University. We thank our colleagues for the warm welcome and the opportunity to give our guest an exclusive tour through the laboratory.

We would also like to thank Dr. Nataraj J.R. for the fruitful exchange! We are looking forward to continuing our cooperation and welcoming some of the students from our partner university R V College of Engineering to our Summer Schools already this year.

More about our programs:

Master's Degree Programs

Master's Degree Programs: Full-time and part-time study programs in Engineering, Humanities and Medicine

RWTH German Engineering College digitale Lehre

Qualification Programs

Preparatory (engineering) classes to get the ideal qualification for a desired Master’s Degree Program

Short Courses

Summer and Winter Schools & Online Courses to gain valuable skills and get to know the German culture

Academy Offices

Expanding the exchange and cooperation with international universities and academic groups

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